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Terminated for Reporting Unsafe Working Conditions (Labor Code 6310)

Wrongful Termination for Reporting Unsafe Working Conditions Attorneys in Los Angeles California

At Gallenberg PC, our Los Angeles, Burbank, and Beverly Hills wrongful termination lawyer believes all California employees are entitled to a safe workplace.

No job is worth risking your well-being, health, or safety, making it increasingly important for workers to report unsafe working conditions without the fear of retaliation.

California laws specifically prohibit discrimination and retaliation against employees for reporting unsafe working conditions. If your rights have been violated, after expressing your safety concerns, our Los Angeles County employment law attorney may be able to help you.

Contact us today to learn how. We do not charge prospective clients for a confidential telephone intake or online case review.

Which California Laws Protect Workers When Reporting Unsafe Working Conditions?

When a California employee recognizes an unsafe workplace condition, he or she should immediately report the hazard to ensure their safety, or that of others, is not compromised.

All workers should feel protected when reporting safety violations to:

  • Cal/OSHA
  • Employers
  • Government Agencies
  • Property Owners

When they do, an employer cannot discriminate against, punish for their role in highlighting the safety issues, or discharge any employee because they reported unsafe working conditions, according to the California Labor Code.

If your employer’s actions are violating your labor rights, we want to help you explore your legal options to hold them accountable. Contact our Los Angeles, Burbank, and Beverly Hills wrongful termination lawyer today to understand the next steps in exploring your case.

What Kind of Safety Issues May I Complain to My Employer About?

Employees may complain to an employer about a wide range of safety issues, and if the employee is fired after making that complaint or report, he or she may have a claim under California Labor Code 1102.5 or California Labor Code Section 6310 depending on the specific facts.

Some common safety complaints are as follows:

  • Employer allows other employees to come to work sick with diseases or symptoms of a communicable disease such as COVID-19;
  • Employer allows employees with a history of violent outbursts to return to work;
  • Employer does not follow safety measures in the specific industry or as required by law;
  • Employer requires employees to work in hazardous environments such as exposing employees to hazardous airborne chemicals, slips/trips or falls;
  • Employer does not provide safety gear necessary to perform the job safely;
  • Employer exposes employees to biological hazards;
  • Exposure to physical hazards; and
  • Employees exposed to environmental hazards.
If I am Injured At Work, What Should I Do?

If you were injured at work because of any safety issue is important that you seek immediate medical attention, including contacting an employment attorney. You may be able to file a workers compensation claim in addition to a civil employment law action. These two areas are covered by two different types of lawyers (workers compensation lawyer vs. civil employment law lawyer). Due to the complexity of these matters, lawyers generally specialize in one of these areas and not the other. Our office handles the civil employment law portion of these type of cases and can provide a referral to a workers compensation attorney.

Similarly, if you were injured and return to work, you may be entitled to reasonable accommodations until you are 100% recovered. If you are not provided reasonable accommodations, you may have a claim for the denial of accommodations at work. If you are fired after returning to work from your injury, you may have a wrongful termination claim.

Given the complexity and involvement of workers compensation and civil employment law related to an injury at work, it is important that you contact a Los Angeles employment attorney who can explain the options available to you. Our office may be able to guide you through this process.

What are the Most Common Signs of Retaliation for Reporting Unsafe Workplace Conditions in California?

Employers can retaliate against their employees for reporting unsafe working conditions or because an employee was injured because of an unsafe working environment in many ways.

They may include being:

  • Excluded from important communications and meetings.
  • Denials for training or resources.
  • Scheduled for undesirable shifts.
  • Workload increases or decreases.
  • Sudden negative performance reviews.
  • Being denied a raise or promotion.
  • Unwarranted disciplinary actions.
  • Wrongful termination.

It is important to our California wrongful termination law firm that your rights are not violated, especially when you are doing the right thing by reporting important workplace safety violations.

If you have been retaliated against or wrongfully terminated for reporting unsafe work conditions, or terminated because you were injured at work, we want to hear your story during a confidential telephone intake or online case review.

How Can the California Wrongful Termination Lawyer at Gallenberg PC Help?

At Gallenberg PC, our employment labor attorney has offices in Los Angeles, Burbank, and Beverly Hills, so unlawfully terminated employees have access to the legal representation they need to pursue results inside and outside the courtroom — no matter where they live or work in California.

Our primary goal is to make legal services accessible to everyone in California, regardless of a person’s ability to pay.

We understand that many individuals cannot afford to pay upfront hourly rates or retainers for an employment or labor attorney in Los Angeles. That does not mean they should not have the legal ability to pursue justice after suffering from unlawful treatment in any California workplace.

Our wrongful termination attorney in Los Angeles, Burbank, and Beverly Hills takes all eligible cases on a contingency basis, which means if we do not win your case, you do not pay our legal fees.

Contact Gallenberg PC today to discuss your important employment law case with our skilled wrongful termination attorney in Los Angeles at (213) 986-8432, Burbank at (818) 237-5267, or Beverly Hills at (310) 295-1654 to schedule a free intake today.

If you prefer, complete a Free Online Case Review to have your claim screened by our experienced employment law attorney and we will contact you directly to discuss your case.

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